The Teaching and Learning Department believes that it is our responsibility to empower all learners (teachers and students) to develop and maximize their capacity for success by ensuring that:
- curriculum and instruction is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and the Revised Ohio Academic Content Standards;
- assessments are used to inform instruction;
- students and teachers have access to the most effective instructional materials;
- teachers are using research-based best practices instructional techniques;
- open communication with all stakeholders continuously occurs.
The Teaching and Learning Department believes:
- the curriculum is the driving force that focuses student learning;
- program structures and curriculum frameworks work together to support the learning of all students;
- job-embedded professional growth needs to be continuous in order to provide high-quality learning for all students;
- the Teaching and Learning department must build interdependent communities of learners;
- the latest instructional research and practices should inform/drive curriculum decision making.
To view forms for this department, see the District Forms page.