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School wide positive behavior supports include establishing clear school wide expectations, comprehensive instruction and a system for providing consistent encouragement and correction.

Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) is a school-wide approach to discipline with an emphasis on support that includes proactive strategies for defining teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. PBS is a process that targets behaviors that are less effective to the learning environment and increases instructional time by minimizing disruptive behaviors. It is a research validated process implemented in all areas including the classroom, hallways, playground, cafeteria, buses and restrooms. A matrix is developed by each school that outlines the expectations in all settings.

School wide positive behavior supports include establishing clear school wide expectations, comprehensive instruction and a system for providing consistent encouragement and correction.

Clear Expectations

  • 3-5 Overarching behavior expectations
  • Clearly communicated with examples and non-examples
  • Posted and distributed
  • Consistently implemented by all adults

Comprehensive Instruction of Expectations

  • Describe what 3-5 school-wide expectations look like in each setting
  • Develop lesson plans to teach expectations
  • Lesson plans include; modeling, examples, non-examples, practice and feedback
  • Overly taught in all settings

Consistent Encouragement and Correction

  • Develop school-wide encouragement system/positive referral system
  • Develop school-wide system for correcting behavior
  • Develop office discipline referral and procedures for data collection
  • Building teams review behavior data and make adjustments

 For more on Positive Behavior Supports, go to