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2024 Homecoming Parade Information
Friday, September 20, 2024

Dear Winton Woods Community,

The Homecoming Game versus the Walnut Hills Eagles will be held on Friday, September 20, at 7 PM. At 5:45 p.m., the parade will begin at the Winton Woods Early Childhood Central Campus at 825 Waycross Road and proceed to the Winton Woods High School Charles Fredrick Stadium at 1231 West Kemper Road. Participants should be at the Winton Woods Early Childhood Central Campus parking lot to line up by 5:20 PM. The purpose of this free event is to rally the students, alumni, and families within our community to win the game. To make this a success, we have laid out the following guidelines:

1. Groups are required to stay on their float at all times during the parade. Those walking alongside must continue to walk alongside, and those on the float must stay on the float.
2. Floats may have items to toss to those watching the parade on the sidelines (candy or small trinkets – blue and green necklaces).
3. No advertisements or political campaigning of any kind on floats. The purpose of this event is to promote Winton Woods City Schools and the Homecoming Game in particular.
4. Unless you are marching or driving in the parade, cars will not be permitted to enter the lot at the Intermediate School. Drop-offs will be directed into the semi-circle at the front of the building.
5. After the conclusion of the parade, no one should still be riding the floats. We must create a safe environment for those participating and watching.
6. The official hashtag of the event will be #WintonWoodsHC23. We would love to follow your posts and see all of the fun on social media!
7. All floats must have a driver who is over 21 years of age.

Click here to RSVP to be in the parade. If you have questions or are seeking more information about the parade, email regarding your concerns.

Be safe, have fun!



The Winton Woods Homecoming Parade is strictly a student and school activity that stages and concludes on school board property.  Homecoming parade participants include students, student activity groups, student feeder groups, elected officials and organizations related to the safety and protection of our students.  

Some examples of groups that are invited to participate in the high school homecoming parade are as follows:


  • Person(s) to be honored by being the Parade Grand Marshall

  • Winton Woods High School Homecoming Court 

  • Winton Woods High School Student Council

  • Winton Woods Marching Band

  • Winton Woods Alumni Band

  • Winton Woods Cheerleaders

  • Winton Woods Color Guard

  • Winton Woods Schools (Middle, Intermediate, Elementary, Primary North & Primary South)

  • Winton Woods Sports Teams

  • Winton Woods Academic Activities:

    • Academy of Global Studies

    • Academic Quiz Team

    • Winton Woods High School Foreign Language Clubs

    • Model United Nations Team

  • Winton Woods Honor Societies 

    • National Honor Society

    • AAA Honor Society

  • Winton Woods Service Clubs

    • Key Club (HS)

    • Project Inspire (MS)

    • Student Ambassadors (HS)

  • School Officials

  • District Officials

  • Community Support Organizations recognized by the Board:

    • Winton Woods Community PTA 

    • Winton Woods Performing Arts Boosters 

    • Winton Woods Athletic Boosters 

    • Winton Woods Educational Foundation

  • Elected Governing Bodies of Local Political Jurisdictions**

  • Local Police Departments 

  • Local Fire Departments

We thank you for your interest in our schools and our community.  We look forward to future opportunities to partner with you in service to our students and schools.

**Political promotion of candidates running for election is prohibited.