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The Office of Accountability of the Winton Woods City School District is responsible for the coordination & oversight of all federal programs in the school district.  Federal Programs include federal grants such as Title I, Title IIA, Title III and IDEA-Part B as well as other associated federal educational grant programs. The Office of Accountability also provides support for district accountability measures such as the local report card, gap closing calculations and other required metrics as mandated by current federal laws such the as Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA or "IDEA").
Our goal in the Office of Accountability is to support student learning by...
•  leveraging any & all available resources to support high-quality classroom instruction,
•  encourage the use of data from multiple & varied sources to drive instruction,
•  act in a fiduciary manner to the community in being responsible stewards of the resources allocated to us and
•  to communicate consistently & transparently with families, staff & our community.
  825 Waycross Road, Suite A, Cincinnati, Oh, 45240  
Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am to 4pm


To view forms for this department, see the District Forms page.